Do people around you call you absent-minded? Are you one of the people who forget things easily? Are you the one who forgets the place where he placed something important? Are you the one who has been trying to learn some textbook concept for eternity but hasn't been able to learn it?
If you feel like your memory is not strong, you, my dear friend, are not alone...
There are a number of people around us who feel the same way. Most of us think they aren't good enough like others. Many of us keep on thinking the fact that sometimes they are absent-minded and are inferior to some specific people, and eventually, they end up over-criticizing themselves. This again makes us depressed and we hate ourselves even more...
What we want to tell you here is that you should not be that hard on yourself. There are ways possible to overcome these general difficulties that you face in your routine life.
Here we are going to share 5 most important tips that will help you get the most of your brain...
Let's get on to it right away...
1. Drink Coffee

If you want to increase your brain's thinking speed and efficiency, this might be the key for you. This actually is a pro tip. Many pieces of research have shown that drinking coffee prior to a task where you need your memory to work efficiently, helps your memory consolidation easier. This eventually helps you remember what you learned after having a cup of coffee for a longer time period.
Although it is an actually debatable topic. Many of the researches show the opposite or no impact on the memory power of your brain. Although you may try this when you are running out of options...
2. Meditate

Although you might be dull in your mathematics classroom, or you might be called dumb by your classmates or colleagues, we all have thought of the ways with which we can increase our mental power. Meditation may seem old-fashioned to you, but some researches say that the technique of meditation actually helps you build up your mental strength.
Meditation helps your brain to evolve from all the directions possible. This makes your brain able to remember the ideas and thoughts that you had difficulty remembering. Mindful meditation is able to decrease stress, anxiety, and depression in your life.
3. Chew Gum

This is a very easy and effective way to increase your memory. Chewing gums can actually help you achieve those memory targets that you plan to get close to. Some researches show that the effect of chewing gum during initial learning of anything is positive and subsequent recalling power of the brain is boosted with it.
So every time you want to learn something that you might need in future, just chew gums while trying to learn that thing.
4. Exercise your memory

As you know memory is a "use it or lose it" type of thing. So if you let it rust, and don't exercise with your brain, it will cease the engine of your brain. That is the reason why very old people, who just sit idle at home and do nothing, have a gradual loss of memory power.
When it comes to remembering and recalling something learned before, this is a very important fact. This exercising may include solving puzzles, riddles, and crosswords. This exercising of your brain does not actually boosts your memory but indeed helps you maintain the current memory level.
5. Eat More and Healthy

While doing different exercises and chewing gum might help you achieve the memory goals for you, eating a proper diet also plays an important role in it. You may be doing everything correctly but if you are not giving your brain a certain amount of energy to the brain, your brain is going to stop working eventually.
The proper diet schedule helps you maintain a good mental fitness level and mental health. This helps you to create the bright shining masterpiece that you always wanted to create. So, if you are mentally ill, try having a proper diet.
6. Sleep Enough

The human possesses a certain ability to work continuously for a while, but eventually, it gets tired and it needs rest. Sleeping helps your body get refreshed and your brain to function well. Certain sectors of the brain develop while having a good night sleep.
Mostly, people with wrong sleeping habits are the people who are mentally ill and absent-minded. So when the body and brain don't get enough time to regain their energy level and repair the bad sectors of them, they can't function optimally.
So, if you think that your mental power is low, try sleeping like a baby. The researches on the sleep patterns show that people with good sleeping habits i.e. 8-10 hours of sleep a day, perform better in their daily jobs than the people with wrong sleeping habits.
So these were some important tips to help you boost your memory and get the most of your brain...
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