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We all encounter some situations in our life one time or other when we feel down and our life becomes a hellhole. Mostly all of them fill our mind with negativity which consequently increases the pain gradually. We all feel negative and there is actually no one who has never felt this negativity.

This negativity pulls ourselves away from happiness and all the dreams that we want to achieve in our life. Consequently, we become more sad and negative, which eventually increases our problems and suffering. This cycle is endless and almost every human on this earth falls into this trap once in his/her lifetime.

The actual question which arises here is: 

How do we get out of these negative thoughts? How do we turn our negatives into positives?
Here, at The Creator's House, we are always present to help you get out of your negativity and to become happier... Here we present the solution to your negativity as follows.

let's dive into it straight away... (and there is something special in the end of this article)

What is negativity and why is it present in our life?

The Google dictionary defines 'negativity' as 'The expression of criticism and pessimism about something.' So the state, when we feel down and have a big dose of our pessimistic thoughts and self-criticism, is called negative state and the expression in this state is known as 'negativity'. 

So this definition theoretically gives the reason why negativity exists in our life. The main reasons why negativity stays in our mind and life are first, our tendency to blame when we face a negative situation and second, our constantly thinking brain. 

While we can't stop our mind from thinking at all, why not make it think in a positive way? The next section will give you some hints on how you can control negativity in your mind and turn it into something positive in your life.

Ways to eliminate negativity

Reduce the "I am responsible for this" attitude

It is often observed that during dark phases of life, people usually blame either themselves or someone in their life. This is the main reason why negative thinking develops an inhabitance in their life. Criticism is necessary for your life but until it is below a certain level.
This over-criticism and "I am responsible for this" attitude is sometimes the key reason why negativity is developed in our life. To reduce negativity in your life, this is the first thing you need to improve.

Break the loop of negativity

When we think negative, we feel bad about ourselves thinking in a negative way, which in turn redirects our mind to blame ourselves again. This self-blaming and self-criticism again give birth to new negative thoughts and the negativity endless loop reignites. 

To break stop negative thoughts from ruining our daily life, you need to break this loop of negativity. For this, instead of focusing on breaking the loop of negativity, close your eyes and think about a memory of your life which gives you joy. This may be a memory of your smiling mother maybe when you first won an award for the first time. Just think about everything else other than the negative thoughts. 

Take a deep breath and feel the joy of the memory; the smile of your mother when you came back after a long time to her. Relive the joyous moment. Feel the happiness rushing through your veins like fresh blood being pumped from your ever-young heart.

Believe that positive and negative are the two sides of same coin

Generally, when we find ourselves in a negative situation, we often forget that positive incidents have also happened to us in our life and they will repeat themselves. We just need to wait until they do. We just typically tend to think that we are bound to have only negatives in our life. This causes our mind to loosen its creativity and become less productive.

According to some recent studies, believing that positive and negative are the two sides of the same coin, makes a person more productive. So think we. To break the negativity cycle, you need to believe this.

Follow the spiritual path

Sometimes we become so involved in ourselves that we don't get time to see our surroundings. Spirituality makes the spectacles with which we may be able to see the unseen beauty of our surroundings. This beauty may become your key to get out of the castle of negativity that you have built in our mind. 

Some studies of Hamburg University, show that Gayathri mantra may also help you in this. It is now proven that this ancient Hindu mantra (chanting) can help make our mind a place where positive thoughts stay. Believe in the ancient writings of your religion whichever you follow.

Write it down

Writing gives you wings. It makes your words fly like an untamed bird in an open sky. Writing is also proven to reduce stress and negativity. Whenever you feel in a depressing situation, dive into the sea of writing. Believe us when we say writing may cure traumas.

Let's finish with a story

To finish with this, let's drive ourselves into the world of stories. This might help you find something beautiful.

Once a young boy asked his father about the way to find happiness in life. The father, ashtonished by the deep question asked by his young child, thought for a while. When he was unable to find correct answer of his child's question, he thought about sending the child to the man who was known as the king of wisdom in his state. The man sent lived in the castle of the state.The father directed the child to meet the man.
 The child went to the king of wisdom. The boy, while going towards the castle, wondered about his question and how the man would solve his query. When he reached the castle, he saw many men already there to ask their questions to the wise man. He waited for some time. After the passage of some time, he became impatient and went right to the wise man, breaking the queue. The wise man, after listening to the boy's question, replied that it was a typical question and the wise man needed time to think about it.
While he thought about it, he asked the boy to visit the castle but he handed the boy a spoon filled by oil. He asked  the boy to visit the whole castle but not to loose a sigle droplet of oil during the visit.
The boy wandered the castle carefully watching the spoon so that no oil would spil out of it. When he returned, the queue was over. The wise man asked him about what he saw in the castle. The boy thought deeply about it but wasn't able to describe even a slightest detail of any part of the castle. The wise man asked him to do the same as he asked him to do before, but this time he asked the boy to watch every beautiful thing of castle.
After visiting the castle, the boy returned to him happily. He told the wise man about the beautiful things he saw in the castle. But when the wiseman asked him about the spoon filled with oil. he observed that the oil had spilled. Then the wiseman said;
Our life is just the same. We focus so much on how to live our life to the fullest, we actually  forget the beauty that life brings to us. However, when we live our life aknowledging the beauty of it, we actually forget how faster our life is getting over. The secret to happiness is to make balance between the both of them.
And here ends our article... Be positive and make sure you share this article.
Bye... :-)


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